Watch video of the UX prototype
Play with the interactive prototype
The button below will open an interactive prototype of the app (in new tab). The functioning areas (buttons) have hinted blue highlight. The prototype is best viewed on iPhone 6/7/8 Plus and screen resolutions of 414 x 736 but works just fine on any other phone or desktop. You are encouraged to leave comments with suggestions for improvements. You can do that by pressing "Esc" to exit full screen mode and then clicking on the comments icon at the top right corner of the screen. Have a try.
See the Research Presentation
The button below will open a presentation of the research we conducted. The presentation shows in detail what we were trying to understand, the problems which furniture shoppers face, our initial and revised hypothesis, the personas we defined, the findings from the user interview. market analysis and more. If you don't want to flip through the slides you can watch the video at the top of the page. 
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